

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with 23 years of experience.

I maintain and innovate on a portfolio of websites/web-apps which solve unique business problems.

I have created and maintained customer engagement, product information, product sales, product enhancement, 3rd party integration and workforce efficiency applications.

I am deeply familiar with connecting services for complex applications.

I have production experience with both front-end and back-end frameworks.

I am familiar with standards compliance, such as with PCI.

I am familiar different CMS platforms.

If you look at your own code from 2 years ago and don't immediately see how it can improve, you are not learning enough.


Work Experience

Full Stack Web Developer/Designer

Peppermill Inc., Reno NV, 2011 to current

Creating and maintaining a portfolio of custom corporate websites and web-apps. I focus on high performance and user-friendly front-end experiences.

I also create and maintain internal tools for employees and patrons including property engagement and productivity software.

I keep myself up to date on current software and hardware developments to maintain a competitive edge on my solutions.

Full Stack Web Developer

Freelance, Truckee CA, 2003 to current

I work with graphic designers to create high quality and high performance web solutions using modern technologies and strategies.

I emphasize responsive design and work hard to create pixel perfect representations of designs given to me across a broad spectrum of device types.

PHP / Web Developer

Velocity7, Nevada City CA, 2004 to 2005

I worked individually on client website upgrades and as a part of a team on managing large websites. I dealt with customers directly and developed many online applications.


Some Recent Projects

Peppermill Reno .com

View Peppermill Reno .com Now

A hospitality and gaming website with a focus on displaying beautiful photography. The custom CMS for this website also manages several customer engagement strategies that hook into internal corporate systems.

This website includes deep custom integration into the antiquated hotel booking engine it uses.
I wrote and maintain the entire code base for this project including the custom CMS that manages the site's content.

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, IIS, JS, CSS

4K Touchscreen Kiosks

Property engagement kiosks in UHD resolution at your fingertips. The project consists of dozens of installations across multiple properties with a central management system for kiosk maintenance.

I am responsible for everything between the firmware on the players to the artwork created for the kiosks as well as the server-side maintenance system.

Technologies used: Node JS, IIS, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL

PHP Application Framework

I have created and maintained an application framework to facilitate quick setup and easy updating of corporate applications. The framework includes everything from network tools to templating to user permissions and handles both front-end and back-end functionality.

Besides a few Symphony helper classes I am responsible for the entire code base for this framework.

Technologies used: PHP, DB2, MySQL, JS, CSS, Webpack, IBMi, Apache

Secure Card Storage

This project includes both internal and customer-facing applications. It securely stores customer credit card data to facilitate business requirements while exceeding PCI compliance requirements and encryption standards.

This application utilizes APIs for various tasks such as fraud checks and communication with a Hardware Security Module.

Technologies used: PHP, DB2, JS, CSS, Webpack, IBMi, Apache, APIs, Encryption

Gasto Tour

View Gastro Tour Now

A SPA created for the University of Pittsburgh as a tour of the cultures of biotech in the food industry.

Technologies used: Vue, JS, CSS, Webpack


View Fanmood .com Now

A continious engagement platform built with Laravel.

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, JS, CSS, Webpack, IIS, APIs, Laravel


Programming Languages

  • PHP

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 21 years
  • Used to create Content Management Systems, APIs and handle automated tasks.
  • MySQL

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 21 years
  • Very familiar with usage, setup and maintenance of MySQL in multiple operating systems.
  • DB2

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 13 years
  • Specifically with DB2 on IBMi.
  • Node JS

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 7 years
  • Used when integrated on standalone devices and for server-side applications.
  • Javascript

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 24 years
  • With a focus on performance and and a seamless user experience. Experience with both client-side and server-side usage.
  • CSS

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 24 years
  • Always monitoring CanIUse.com; waiting to strike with new great CSS features!
  • HTML

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 24 years
  • ActionScript

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 1 year
  • I have created Flash applications that communicate with external servers to control a visual display for special events.
  • Java

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 1 year
  • I have edited Phonegap/Cordova plugins to better suite the needs of a project.
  • LUA

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 1 year
  • This is the latest language I've started to learn.


Server Platforms

  • Windows Server

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 14 years
  • Specifically a Windows, IIS, MySQL, PHP stack.
  • Linux Server

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 6 years


Frameworks & Libraries

  • Laravel

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Experience: 6 years
  • Local development to deployment.
  • Wordpress

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 4 years
  • Drupal

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 2 years
  • Sodium

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Experience: 7 years
  • jQuery

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 14 years


Digital Tools

  • GIT

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 10 years
  • Version control is important and GIT is a quick and easy way to get it done right.
  • Webpack / NPM

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Experience: 7 years
  • Composer

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Experience: 13 years
  • PHPStorm (JetBrains)

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 6 years
  • Eclipse

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Experience: 6 years
  • Eclipse has good support for useful features like version control and work space optimization.
  • Photoshop

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 25 years
  • A great tool for taking a designer's vision and turning it into a functional interface.
  • Phonegap / Cordova

  • Skill Level: Expert
  • Experience: 3 years
  • A great framework for bringing HTML/CSS/JS based projects to mobile platforms. With modern mobile browsers being able to hardware accelerate UI elements you can bring a native-level performance to an embedded web application.



  • Rich Good

  • Company: Amy's Kitchen / TheXperiment
  • Title: Senior Designer
  • Phone: Available Upon Request
  • Email: Available Upon Request
  • Ryan Cassano

  • Company: Fanmood
  • Title: Owner / CEO
  • Phone: Available Upon Request
  • Email: Available Upon Request
  • Jeff Klein

  • Company: The Best Mgmt
  • Title: Owner
  • Phone: Available Upon Request
  • Email: Available Upon Request



I participate heavily in the StackOverflow.com community, you can find my profile here: http://stackoverflow.com/users/752738/jasper. I have reached an estimated 4.9 million people with my advice through this community.

I have 15 years of experience creating websites and have been interested in programming since age 7.

When I'm not coding I enjoy playing guitar, riding my mountain bike, playing golf, skiing, photography, and reading technology related news and research.

I speak conversational-level Spanish.

I'm always interested in talking shop.